Tuesday 1 March 2011

Donald McIntyre Documentary Analysis- Lucky Tucker

The Documentary is about the lifestyle of former underworld gang member Ian Tucker and his lifestyle after leaving the world of crime, this documentary is conducted by Donald McIntyre, he follows Tucker around and films him as he tries to get an idea about who Ian Tucker is and how he lives and thinks.
Interviews are conducted with ian tucker, he talks about his crimes almost in a bragging manner, like he is proud of the crimes he has committed, this gives us an idea that he is rather smug and ‘has a big ego’. This means that he get the message that he is not a very nice person as he doesn’t care about the consequences of crime
Dramatisations and reconstruction footage is shown of ian tucker’s crimes, this gives an idea of how he orchestrates the precocious crimes he has committed and it gives us an opinion of what he is really like and the way he thinks.
Also the documentary features a scene where the crime drama ‘the bill’ is used to link with his real life crimes, this is done to merge fiction with reality. This gives us the idea that underworld gangs can be infiltrated by the police and that criminals such as Ian tucker can be eventually caught.
The song ‘Bat out of Hell’ is used to depict ian tucker as a ‘Bat Out of Hell’, this displays Donald Macintyre’s opinion of him and it also gives the audience an idea that ian tucker is a bad thing to society or ‘evil’. The documentary does give us a more intimate look into his home life; one scene shows Ian tucker with his daughter, this scene does show that he is loving parent and that he does love his child. This gives the audience the idea that he can be a person that expresses love instead of hate.
Donald McIntyre raises the issues of underworld gang criminals in this documentary; he gives us an insight into their lives, what they think and how they live. At the end of the documentary a scene shows a confident
Ian Tucker going into court facing 6 ½ years imprisonment for a crime, he was convicted for the crime. Donald McIntyre a created a documentary that is rather biased towards Tucker and Underworld Gang Criminals.
His narration at the end when Tucker was charged sounded as if the sentence was inevitable and that Ian Tuckers over confidence overshadowed that fact that he could be convicted

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